Monday, August 20, 2007

Immigration Discussion

Jen and I had an insightful and interesting discussion on immigration last night, we both talked through the problems and still didn't come to a logical conclusion to solve the problem. It's one of those multifaceted problems that has been intertwined in the aspects of what America is all about.

One ideal that I have is that countries should take care of there own people and create better living and working conditions, then part of the problem would diminish.

Any thoughts, post a comment

Just for thought: "How hard is it to become a legal citizen of the United States of America"?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New Halloween Movie

The new Halloween movie is being released on August 31st, directed by Rob Zombie.

I just took a look at the web site and it is pretty sweet, there are some goodies to download.

If you get to see Rob Zombie in concert do it, it is one of the best concerts I have seen in a long time.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Open your eyes!

Well this is my first posting to a new blog. I wanted to start this blog to share my thoughts and ideas.

I'm a designer, educator and activist...

The title of my blog reflects an ideal that people need to 'think' and act on their thoughts.

There are some links and videos on the left check them out, see what other organizations are doing.

Think about the world around you and educate yourselves about the wrong doings in our world and make a change.